How Can Case Studies Help Copier Dealers Generate Leads?

Created: January 8th 2019 By: Clover Imaging


While there are many lead generation strategies open to a developing company, none may be as successful as the case study. A case study examines the success of a particular strategy undertaken by a company which may be in the same field or situation as the marketer's client. The strategy is professionally evaluated by the marketing company and a determination is made as to whether or not this strategy would be successful for the developing company commissioning the case study.

When used intelligently, case studies are useful. They can help immensely with B2B marketing and creating multiple opportunities for online lead generation. However, in order to understand how case studies aid in lead generation, first we have to understand what lead generation is.

What Is Lead Generation?

Lead generation is, quite simply, the generation of a list of prospects that may be interested in your client's goods or services. The famous film Glen Garry Glen Ross is concerned with a list of leads, and what salespeople may do in order to obtain leads that they think are valuable.

Fortunately, with the aid of case studies, we no longer need to go to such extremes to create a useful list of sales leads. Instead, we can use business case study examples in order to help small businesses reach their true potential. But, how do case studies work?

How Case Studies Can Aid Your Business

Case studies can help your business in a number of ways. For example, a case study can examine your competitor's values and customer service, possibly finding a flaw or shortfall in a key area. Armed with this knowledge, your company can focus on the area of your competitor's deficit, both with advertising and with direct contact via e-mail or even phone calls. This strategy has been tested time and again and is generally successful. It also would not be possible without the utility of case studies. Check out this article for more information.

B2B marketing also is reliant on the case study. Case studies impart a sense of professionalism in a marketing company, allowing marketing observations to be communicated in a near-scientific manner. A marketing company that relies on case studies may be seen as giving more reliable results than a company that simply relies on anecdotal evidence for online lead generation.

A case study may also pinpoint exactly what audience your product is geared to, and which type of advertising is most successful with that demographic. For example, if a case study determines that your company's copier line would be most successful with forty-something middle managers (by examining your company's sales trends and your company's competition), the marketing team can then devise a marketing campaign that plays to their interests. This strategy could save your company a number of hours (and money) that otherwise would be lost by catering to the wrong demographic.

Perils and Pitfalls of Case Studies

Of course, no strategy is without issues, and the case study can cause issues if not used properly. Here are some of the most prevalent issues involving case studies, and the best ways to combat them.

First of all, the case study is so successful that it tends to become overused, and therefore, clients begin to suffer from case study fatigue. When confronted with yet another case study, clients begin to lose focus, and therefore, the case studies do not have the impact that they should. This article details more issues with case studies.

While there are a number of solutions to this problem, the most obvious is to only commission case studies when necessary. Reflexively commissioning case studies for every minor issue tends to create a lot of paperwork and stifle innovation. After all, case studies essentially examine how other organizations tend to solve problems. An individual in your organization may have an original and creative solution to whatever issue may be troubling your team.

Another possible issue with case studies is that they tend to examine other companies in your industry for lead generation examples. While this strategy may be successful, it also may be limiting. If your business is copiers, for example, it may make sense to look at other products for marketing inspiration rather than restrict your scope to competing copying products.

Ideas, in general, should not be stifled or dismissed simply because they only have been tested in a different environment. Many lead generation ideas for B2B are valuable, and probably should be considered, even if they are unconventional.

Case Studies Can Change the Game

Case studies are one of the most valuable tools in a marketer's toolbox, and all business owners should be aware of their potential.

While there may be a few issues with the overuse of case studies, most of the time, a professional case study will help any copy dealer generate leads. The road to prosperity begins with case studies.

For more information on case studies, along with other marketing tools, please contact us today!

Author: Clover Imaging



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